How Do You Make A Garage Efficient?

Posted on: 27 April 2017

One of the biggest things that homeowners are looking for in their modern homes is being able to use every space as fully as possible. Space efficiency comes in many formats, but here, we look at energy, time and space efficiency as ways to measure a garage's performance. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency for a garage is more difficult if it's not part of your main home. It may not come with the same insulation properties or even the same heating system as the rest of your home.
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What Upgrades Can You Make To Your Garage Door?

Posted on: 19 April 2017

When it is time to replace your garage door, you can choose to go with a traditional door with no features. You also have the choice of selecting a door that can offer convenience and savings. If you need a new garage door, here are just a few upgrade options you have.   Energy Efficiency Features The opening to your garage is the largest one in your home. As such, there can be considerable heat loss if the door is not energy efficient.
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What To Do When Your Garage Door Sounds Fine But Refuses To Work

Posted on: 20 July 2015

A garage door can break down in a few different ways. For example, you could get debris caught in the rails and this debris can cause the wheels to jam. In this case, the garage door will not open or close like it should. The good thing about debris stuck in the rails is that it is easy to remove the debris and get your door working again. On the other hand, if you have a problem with the gears in your garage door motor, your repair is significantly more complicated.
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A Guide To Hushing Your Grumbling Garage Door Opener By Learning The Lingo It Speaks

Posted on: 2 June 2015

If there is one component or fixture that makes your garage door a more convenient entry and exit way to your home, it is the garage door opener. With the garage door opener being a feature of overhead doors since the late 1920's, a lot of homeowners take these mechanical units for granted until something starts to go wrong. Usually when the garage door opener starts to have issues, it will be quite vocal and it will be hard to avoid its grumbling and chatter.
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