What Upgrades Can You Make To Your Garage Door?

Posted on: 19 April 2017

When it is time to replace your garage door, you can choose to go with a traditional door with no features. You also have the choice of selecting a door that can offer convenience and savings. If you need a new garage door, here are just a few upgrade options you have.  

Energy Efficiency Features

The opening to your garage is the largest one in your home. As such, there can be considerable heat loss if the door is not energy efficient. A door that does not have energy efficiency features could result in an increase in your energy bills.  

Even though your door seems to be relatively straightforward, there are small modifications that can be made to it to create a more energy efficient door. For instance, you can look for a door that is insulated and has a weathersealing system. The addition of these features will not only help to keep your energy costs down, but it will help to keep your garage cool during the summer and warm during the winter.  

You can also have a energy efficient motor installed with your door. The door uses less energy because the motor has a slow start and then reaches the regular speed before slowly stopping. The result is less energy used each time the door is opened and closed.  

Technological Upgrades

There are several technological upgrades you can buy for your door to make it more convenient. Some upgrades can even ensure your home is safe while you are away. For instance, you can opt for a garage door opener that works with an app that you can install on your mobile device.  

If you are unsure whether or not you have remembered to close the door, you can check its status on the app and even close it from your current location. Your children can even install the apps on their phones and open the garage door without needing a key. You no longer have to worry about them losing their keys and being stuck outside until you get home.  

Another possible upgrade is a security camera that is installed near the motor of the garage door. The camera can be used to monitor your door. If there are deliveries or alerts from the mobile app about the security of the door, you can quickly check in using the help of the camera.  

Talk to your garage door installer about other possible upgrades you can opt for when selecting your new door.  
