What To Do When Your Garage Door Sounds Fine But Refuses To Work

Posted on: 20 July 2015

A garage door can break down in a few different ways. For example, you could get debris caught in the rails and this debris can cause the wheels to jam. In this case, the garage door will not open or close like it should. The good thing about debris stuck in the rails is that it is easy to remove the debris and get your door working again. On the other hand, if you have a problem with the gears in your garage door motor, your repair is significantly more complicated.

Causes of Gear Damage

Your garage door motor uses a set of gears to transfer power from the motor to the chain that lifts and closes your door. To keep the operation of the door quieter, manufacturers will often use plastic gears. As the metal chain that lifts your door rubs on these gears, it can shave off little strips of plastic. Over time, this wearing can completely strip the gears. 

Signs of Gear Damage

If the operation of your garage door is jerky in that it will open smoothly for a few moments, then stop, then start again, you likely have gear damage. Similarly, if your motor sounds like it is running just fine, but your door won't open, the gears are the most likely culprit for the dysfunction. To confirm that your gears are, in fact, the problem, remove the cover to your garage door motor and look for plastic shavings. If you find them, your gears need replacing. 

Replacing the Gears

You will find two gears in your motor, a wheel gear with cogs all along the rim and a helical gear with grooves spiraling down the outside of a plastic bar. You will need to remove the pins that hold these gears in place, take the old gears out, and put replacement gears in. Use the model number of your garage door motor to order replacement gears before you start taking apart the motor to ensure that you don't lose components to your motor before you have a chance to make repairs. 

Opening up your garage door motor and removing pieces from it is, indeed, a complicated repair. It should lie within the realm of an experienced do-it-yourselfer, but it you doubt your ability to make the repair on your own, you can always call in a professional company like Terry Overhead Door to make the repair for you. In the case of a complicated repair, it is better to be safe than sorry. 
